Welcome to Providence Reformed Church of Bakersfield

Confessing Historic Reformation Christianity: Salvation by Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone, Founded on Scripture Alone, for the Glory of God Alone.


Providence Reformed Church is a growing community of believers in Jesus Christ with diverse spiritual histories, who share a common story.  Our spiritual hunger to know God and his Word more deeply, has led us to the great truths of the Gospel as they were restored and restated during the Protestant Reformation.

As a local congregation we are affiliated with other congregations across the USA and Canada who are known as the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).  This united body of local churches is strongly oriented to reaching our neighbors and the world. We are especially focused on planting new churches, establishing biblical ministries on college campuses, and sending missionaries all over the world. And happily, we are not part of the larger and liberal Presbyterian USA denomination.  Click here to read more about our denomination and its ministry.


In the spirit of the Protestant Reformation we strive to believe and practice what the Bible teaches.  We firmly believe that the Gospel is God’s once for all revelation of how lost human beings may be reconciled to their Creator, in such a manner that God Himself receives all the praise and glory. Consequently, this Gospel is never outdated; this Gospel never needs updating. 

But this great Gospel has suffered much during the past 2000 years by the hands of many who were wolves among the sheep. Yet, God has at different times worked in powerful ways to restore his saving truth. In this regard we thank God for the Protestant Reformation. The great truths of the gospel were restored during the days of Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Calvin through five strong convictions that God’s redemption was through grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone, based on the Word of God alone, and all to the glory of God alone. These five convictions became known by their Latin designations as the five “Solas.” – sola fide, sola gratia, solo Christo, sola Scriptura, and soli Deo Gloria. And churches who faithfully hold these convictions most often adopt one or more of the historic confessions of faith, which develop these solas more fully and biblically. In that regard our church holds to the Westminster Confession of Faith and its Catechisms as its confession of biblical doctrine. Click here to view and download the Westminster Confession of Faith and its Catechisms.


The Great Commission directs the church of Jesus Christ to intersect the cultures and belief systems of the world with the proclamation of the Gospel. For this reason, faithful Christians must consider how the church is to accomplish this mission for the purpose of making disciples. For everyday believers this involves how we apply the calling Jesus gave us to be salt and light to our own generation. As Paul said, “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Col 4:5–6). As Peter remarked, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (1 Pet 3:15). These passages indicate that we have a responsibility to understand our culture and to care to respond.

At Providence Reformed Church we seek to equip our people to do this. Our Sunday messages connect the truths of the Gospel to the brokenness of our culture. In study classes we probe more deeply into what has moved our culture away from its Christian heritage. On Wednesday nights, our men’s study group follow a series of topics specifically designed to intersect Christian thought with the dominating trends of the day. In these ways we seek to be a body of believers who are committed to the Gospel’s great power to save the lost.


Audio Library of Sermons

The normal and ordinary manner in which God brings his grace to us is by the working of the Holy Spirit through His Word. For this reason the preaching and teaching of the Scriptures are central to the life of Providence Church. God’s design is that the Church bought with the blood of His Son would attain to unity in the faith and knowledge of Christ so that we might not find ourselves tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. In this regard we offer our sermons and those of guest speakers who visit our church. Most of these messages are part of sermon series in which books of the Bible are preached passage by passage. For special occasions, the messages at Providence will address a biblical topic of current or urgent application to our faith and practice.


Our Sunday morning services are located at 3555 Landco Dr., Suite A, Bakersfield. Worship begins at 9:45, followed by our adult and children education classes at 11:15. We are semi-traditional in worship style, but hardly formal.

We use hymnals, but also sing some of the best contemporary music, too. Our service is rich in its use of Scripture, and we celebrate the Lord’s Supper once a month. Our folks come to church dressed for comfort, not to impress! Children are part of our worship time, but we have a “cry-room” when a family needs one during worship. We even use some tables in the worship area, especially where families find this helpful! We are small enough to take personal prayer requests before worship begins, but we never single out visitors or put people on the spot.

Child Care

At Providence we welcome children to be part of the worship services. When parents feel their children are a bit noisy for the service there is a cry-room for their convenience. From this room the service can be seen and heard. In addition, other moms and baby-sitting age girls stand ready to assist parents, by caring for the children in the cry room during the service. Our facilities have a full on dedicated nursery room which can be staffed as needed.